Kategori: Greenland

  • Seas could rise twice as fast as predicted

    Reuters have a news piece today on the same theme as my earlier on IPCC and Greenland. They are referring to a new study at Nature Geoscience.

  • IPCC Sharpens Its Warning on Greenland Melting

    The first part of the fourth assessment report of the IPCC, the UN’s panel on climate change, was published in February. This report (known internally as AR4-WG1, Assessment Report 4 – Working Group 1) warned that sea levels could rise by 20-60 cm this century, and as much as seven meters in the very long…

  • IPCC skärper varningarna om avsmältningen

    I februari kom den första delen av FNs klimatpanels, IPCC, fjärde utvärderingsrapport om klimatförändringarna (den brukar internt kallas AR4-WGI; Assessment Report 4-Working Group 1). Den varnade för att havsnivåerna i världen kunde höjas med 20-60 cm det närmaste århundradet, på mycket lång sikt sju meter. Detta som en följd av avsmältningen och höjning av vattentemperaturen…

  • Greenland puzzles IPCC

    A thaw of Greenland ice that could raise world sea levels may be the next puzzle for the U.N. climate panel that won the Nobel Peace Prize, a senior member of the group said. Dutch scientist Bert Metz said the risk of an accelerating melt of Greenland’s ice sheet was among the unsolved issues in…

  • Slideshow: On Thin Ice – Greenland and Climate Change

    In Greenland and the Artic global warming goes twice as fast as at the rest of the world. At the end of August a delegation from GUE/NGL visited Ilulissat in northwest Greenland to study the melting of the ice cap and other climate change related issues. Please have a look at our findings. Start slide…

  • Invitation: On Thin Ice – Greenland and Climate Change

    For those in the European Parliament: MEP:s Vittorio Agnoletto, Jens Holm, Jiri Mastalka, Roberto Musacchio, Tobias Pflueger and Sören Söndergaard invites You to a one-hour hearing: On thin ice – Greenland and Climate Change At the end of August the GUE/NGL Greenland delegation visited northwest Greenland to study the melting of the ice cap and…