Köttkonsumtion, djuren och EU

Imorgon kommer jag att arrangera en konferens om den ökande köttkonsumtionen i världen. 30 aktivister från Djurens Rätt i Sverige är bland annat inbjudna. Se mer nedan.

Meat Consumption, Animals and the EU
Thuesday 7 November 10.00-13.30
European Parliament, A1E-3,
Chaired by Jens Holm MEP GUE/NGL10.00-10.30 An animal rights activist in the European Parliament. Jens Holm MEP, GUE/NGL

10.30-11.15 The detrimental impacts of meat consumption – What can and should be done on a EU-level? Peter Stevenson, Chief Policy Advisor Compassion in World Farming

11.15-11.45 Questions and Discussion.

11.45-12.00 Coffe and Pause

12.00-12.30 Important animal welfare issues in EU 2006-2009. Anderas Egler, Parliamentary Officer, Eurogroup for Animals

12.30-13.00 Questions and Discussion

13.00-13.30 How is Animal Rights Sweden going to influence the EU? Discussion for action.

13.30 Lunch



