I have just had a meeting with Commissioner Stavros Dimas about the possibility to phase out experiments on primates and the revision of directive 86/609.
I have just had a meeting with Commissioner Stavros Dimas about the possibility to phase out experiments on primates and the revision of directive 86/609.
The news was:
1. It seems very likely that Stavros Dimas is going to ask for a ban on experiments on the Great Apes (gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, gibbon and a few other). That is of course great news! We asked him what was going to happen with the rest of the primates – after all, the vast majority of the 10 000 primates used in research in Europe are not Great Apes. He didn´t seem to be completely against that idea either. So, it´s not impossible that we actually get also a timetable on phasing out all primate experiments. So, that´s clearly something to keep the pressure on. And if it´d happen it´d be fantastic news!
2. He also promised that the long awaited revision on the animal experiment directive no: 86/609 should be ready from the Commission ”perhaps this year”. ”It´s not far away”, he also mentioned and one of his five secretaries said it could be done within eight weeks at the quickest. If we get it within eight weeks that´s also pretty good news, even though the delay is unacceptable (the directive is 20 years old and completely outdated).
3. He also wanted harder restrictions against catching of wild monkeys, but could not promise any ban, which we asked for.
4. The revision of 86/609, the Great Apes-thing etc will soon go on a ”inter-service consultation”, sent out to the different DGs at the Commission. Three weeks later a formal decision will be taken at the Commission.