Nästa vecka arrangerar jag en konferens om klimatförändringarna och hur det påverkar utvecklingsländerna. Nedan själva programmet eller för nedladdning climate_dev_programme2007-06-14.doc (som word).
De som är i Bryssel och meddelar i god tid innan är välkomna till konferensen.
Climate Change and Developing Countries – Who pays the price?
Conference Programme 13th – 14th June 2007
European Parliament
Wednesday 13th of June
Venue: European Parliament, outside ASP 1G03
18.00-18.30 Opening: Introductory words MEP Francis WURTZ, President of the GUE/NGL Group and MEP Jens HOLM, Member of the Environment Committee, Member of the Temporary Committee on Climate Change, GUE/NGL
18.30-19.30 Cocktail
Thursday 14th of June
09.00 Registration
Room: ASP 1G03
Chair: MEP Bairbre DE BRUN
09.30-09.45 Opening of the conference MEP Jens HOLM, Member of the Environment Committee, Member of the Temporary Committee on Climate Change GUE/NGL
09.45-10.30 Presentation of the main findings in the new IPCC report ”Climate Change 2007” Erland KÄLLÉN, Sweden’s representative in IPCC, Professor in dynamic meteorology, numerical whether prediction and climate modelling, Stockholm University
10.30-11.00 Focus: Bangladesh Ainun NISHAT, Country representative, IUCN Bangladesh
11.00-11.30 Focus: Africa Grace AKUMU, General Secretary of Climate Network Africa
11.30-12.00 Focus: China Lin ERDA, Professor in agro-environment and sustainable development, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
12.00-12.30 Discussion
12:30 – 15:00 Lunch
Chair: MEP Roberto MUSACCHIO
15.00-15.30 Clean Development Mechanism – Barriers and Possibilities Deborah CORNLAND, Director for Policy Climate Research Program at the Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (MISTRA)
15.30-16.00 Low Carbon Technology Transfer David OCKWELL, The Sussex Energy Group, University of Sussex
Chair: MEP Kartika LIOTARD
16.00-16.30 Think Globally Act Locally – Case study: Food Consumption and Climate Change, Annika CARLSSON-KANYAMA, Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University
16.30-17.00 EU and Climate Change – A Critical study: Recommendations for Action Sonja MEISTER, Friends of the Earth Europe
17.00-18.15 Discussion
18.15-18.30 Conclusions MEP Jens HOLM, Member of the Environment Committee, Member of the Temporary Committee on Climate Change, GUE/NGL
Ett svar till ”Klimatet och utvecklingsländerna”
Mycket intressant program. Nån som lyfter upp klimatfrågan från ett rättviseperspektiv är ju vad man har väntat på!