A first step towards justice for Al-Zery, but what about Agiza?

Press Release, Left Party Sweden

March 1, 2007

A first step towards justice for Al-Zery, but what about Agiza?

Jens Holm, Member of the European Parliament, Left Party (GUE/NGL), and member of the parliament’s CIA committee (TDEP), is supportive of the Swedish government’s decision to revoke the deportation order for Mohammed Al-Zery.

It was in December of 2001 that Mohammed Al-Zery and Ahmed Agiza were arrested by Swedish security police, with the help of the CIA, and deported to Egypt. They were tortured during both the deportation and their time in prison in Egypt.

– This is a first step towards justice for Mohammed Al-Zery. I expect swift processing by the Immigration Department Al-Zery may return to Sweden as soon as possible. The fact that Al-Zery’s demand for damages will be heard is also a positive development. But there is a very great deal left to do, says Jens Holm (v).

Jens Holm appealed to Immigration Minister Tobias Billström several weeks ago to grant Agizas request for the revocation of the order banning his return.

– Why hasn’t the government acted on Ahmed Agiza’s behalf? He must be allowed to be reunited with his family in Sweden. Of course the government must also revoke its deportation order for Palestinian Hassan Asad from Gothenburg based on the same anti-terrorism laws, Holm adds.

Current anti-terrrorism laws sentence individuals to deportation to dictatorships and countries where torture is widely used, without possibility of appeal or even being told why they are being deported.

– The EU Parliament  recently demanded that all anti-terrorism laws be reviewed. It is high time the Swedish government complies, says Holm.



