Ät mindre kött

På onsdag i EU-parlamentet lanserar vi de tyska, spanska, holländska och tjeckiska versionerna av Djurindustrin och klimatet. Se nedan.

Eat less meat!

Welcome to the launch of the report The livestock industry and the climate – EU makes bad worse in four new languages: Dutch, Spanish, German and Czech. Previously also in Swedish, English, French and Croatian.
Also launch of the brand new webpage www.meatclimate.org.
European Parliament, PHS 1C051, 14.00–15.00 on Wednesday, 4th of March 2009.
Please come and participate in the discussion. Meet vegetarian promoters from Belgium, Spain, Czech Republic and Sweden. Vegetarian as carnivore, all are welcome!
“Recalls the report entitled “Livestock’s Long Shadow” issued by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in November 2006, which states that the livestock industry is responsible for 18% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions…”
2050 – The future begins today,
report adopted by the European Parliament 4 February 2009.
Jens Holm, MEP, GUE/NGL
Very welcome!



