För några dagar sedan skickade jag detta brev till EU-kommissionär Benita Ferrero-Waldner. Extremt upprörande med den israeliska militärens våld och – i det här fallet – en ren avrättning av ett oskyldigt barn. Frihandelsavtalet med Israel borde frysas.
Tack till modiga ISM som är på plats och dokumenterar och protesterar.
När jag får svar lägger jag ut det, förstås.
Norrtälje, Sweden, 2008-07-30
Dear Mrs Ferrero-Waldner,
I have today been contacted of members of International Solidarity Movement who witnessed how Israeli military yesterday shot a young boy dead in the town Nil’in, the Palestinian territories. The ten year old boy, Ahmed Ussam Yusef Mousa, was completely innocent, did not take part in any violent activities. The military had allegedly fired at him with live ammunition from a very short distance.
The situation right now in Nil’in is probably more critical than ever and the military is increasing it´s violent activities. The origin of the problems is Israels building of the “security barrier”. For the inhabitants of Nil’in the wall is going to deprive them as much as 70 percent of their today´s area.
This is only one example of the long list of violations against innocent Palestinians Israel is responsible for. For that reason I´d like to ask you: What kind of action will you and the European Union take with respect to the killing in Nil’in? How do you the European Commission monitor the Human Rights clause in the “EU-Israel Association Agreement”, in particular with regards to the building of the wall (declared illegal by the ICJ in 2004), the military repression in Nil’in and the overall Israeli repression visavi the Palestinians? The respect for Human Rights is, as you well know, a precondition for get an Association Agreement granted with the EU.
Yours sincerely,
Jens Holm, Member of the European Parliament, GUE/NGL, Sweden
tel: +46 76 847 03 28
P S More information about the killing in Nil’in at Palsolidarity.