Vänsterseger i Ecuador

Glädjande vann vänsterkandidaten Rafael Correa en klar seger vid gårdagens presidentval i Ecuador. Allt fler länder i Latinamerika frigör sig från USA och slår in på en progressiv väg. Kul!

Läs hans kampanjsida (och lyssna på kampanjsången!) på:

Nedan – för den som är intresserad – några kommentarer från Paul-Emile, en kollega till mig i vänstergruppen i EU-parlamentet.

Ecuador yesterday elected Rafael Correa, of Alianza Pais, as new president, defeating Rafael Noboa, called ”the ecuatorian Berlusconi”, because he owns 100 companies and controls nearly all the banana production and exportation sector.

Rafael Correa, winner of the election, is a young economist, clearly oriented left. He was expelled from the funcion of finance minister og the transitional governement (formed after the expulsion of Gutierrez) because he clashed about his proposal to reinforce an economic alliance with Venezuela, in the framework of ALBA, and to limit the reimborsment of the external debt.

Correa is supported by significative forces of the left, among them Pachakutik, the indian political movement. His victory is particularly important against the isolation of Bolivia in the Community of Andean Nations, and will have a significant impact in the negotiation of a trade agreement of the CAN with the EU that are in the stage of preparation.

As Alianza Pais has no legislators. The new elected president announced a reform of the constitution.

On security matters, he announced that he will not prolonge the existance of the important american military base of Manta in Ecuador, used mostly for the war in Colombia. He refuses the presence of regular or irregular foreign military forces in Ecuador. He refuses the concept of terrorist groups for groups as the FARC of Colombia.

On economic matters, he opposes the signature of a FTA with United States and wants to developp alternatives to full payment of so called ”external debt”. He opposes the ”dolarization” of the ecuatorian economy but announced that he will not reverse it for the moment, because the cost would be to high now that it has been done.

All the ecuatorian press already announced the victory of Correa.
Noboa won the first round of the election in October. Now the first results give Rafael Correa winner with a difference of between 15 and 20%.



